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Зарегистрирован: Aug 25, 2004
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СообщениеДобавлено: 17.10.04, 17:20 +0000     Ответить с цитатой

Oh, not in VA
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Зарегистрирован: Aug 25, 2004
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СообщениеДобавлено: 17.10.04, 17:32 +0000     Ответить с цитатой

and looks like the yankees again are gonna spank bosox
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Зарегистрирован: May 26, 2004
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Откуда: Sunshine state
СообщениеДобавлено: 17.10.04, 23:48 +0000     Ответить с цитатой

Tak gde tam podryga iz Central Florida :?: Iam all excited about you :P I hope it's not a joke :?
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Зарегистрирован: Jul 22, 2004
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Откуда: Boston, MA, USA
СообщениеДобавлено: 18.10.04, 01:30 +0000     Ответить с цитатой


Prikol'ny fil'm. "Honey, Frank the Tank is not coming back, ok? That part of me is over. Water under the bridge. I promise." :)

Ya, etim letom, v odin iz priezdov v Manhattan, videl Willa Ferrella. Na odnoy iz ulochek Upper East Side kakoy-to fil'm snimalsya.
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Зарегистрирован: Aug 25, 2004
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СообщениеДобавлено: 18.10.04, 14:05 +0000     Ответить с цитатой

Yeah, it was money. Definitely a classic. Easily a movie of a year if not top 5 comedy of the decade.

Ferrell's awesome. Ron Burgundy was okay though, not bad, just okay. I liked his acting in Starsky and Hutch, the prison scene was hilarious :)

timzam писал(а):

Prikol'ny fil'm. "Honey, Frank the Tank is not coming back, ok? That part of me is over. Water under the bridge. I promise." :)

Ya, etim letom, v odin iz priezdov v Manhattan, videl Willa Ferrella. Na odnoy iz ulochek Upper East Side kakoy-to fil'm snimalsya.
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ходо байгша

Зарегистрирован: Jul 06, 2004
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СообщениеДобавлено: 18.10.04, 16:31 +0000     Ответить с цитатой

Кстати, о "One toke over the line, sweet Jesus."
Сразу вспоминается:
The password is: "One hand washes the other."
... you say:"I fear nothing." :lol:
ложь, флудёж и провокация
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Зарегистрирован: Aug 25, 2004
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СообщениеДобавлено: 18.10.04, 17:37 +0000     Ответить с цитатой

Не понял при чём тут Петроний и manus manum lavat ?
Петроний пел Дунаевского ?

Понарошкина писал(а):
Кстати, о "One toke over the line, sweet Jesus."
Сразу вспоминается:
The password is: "One hand washes the other."
... you say:"I fear nothing." :lol:
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заримдаа ороошо

Зарегистрирован: Oct 08, 2004
Сообщения: 20
Откуда: USA
СообщениеДобавлено: 18.10.04, 19:35 +0000     My view ,minii hanaan... Ответить с цитатой

Tsyrenov писал(а):
Hi Rinchenma,

I am buryat, who study in University of Virginia. U`r rignt about jealousy. But it is not only about buryats, it`s about human being`s nature. Remember, what you got is not because you smarter or better than others; U`r just luckier than others. I also had a little more luck than others.

Luck is a gift to you. You should share that gigf with others. If u just help another buryat to get a little luck (advice, information and etc.) in order to change his/her life for the better, that person will be grateful, not jealeous, and u will become a Bodhisatva, definitly.



Dear Buryat friend

Sain baina! Yes you are right. Do you agree that if we speak in Buddhist terms we could use the word karma instead of luck?
And of course one's karmic merit is always improved by true generosity. By true generosity, I mean generosity when nothing is expected in return. Do you agree?
For Buryats as with every being, I understand that our job is to avoid the three poisons of greed or envy, hatred or anger and ignorance or stupidness. then rising above that if we can develop compassion, loving kindness, sympathetic joy and equanimity then we are on a right path. Some would say follow the Noble Eight-fold path which is the same thing.
It is of course very simple to say but harder to really pracitice. But one should try. For everyday life, I think that alcohol and use of tobacco do not help us follow the eight-fold path.
I have a promise for myself never to drink or smoke. Then I don't have to make a choice when someone offers such things.


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заримдаа ороошо

Зарегистрирован: Oct 08, 2004
Сообщения: 20
Откуда: USA
СообщениеДобавлено: 18.10.04, 21:36 +0000     Re: Sain Baina, buryaduud! Ответить с цитатой

Cartier писал(а):
Rinchenma, I understand you are living in the States and English is the way to go, but I'm sorry, why post in English on this forum, especially when it is so choppy ?

lol, same goes to you ;)

p.s. What program are ya doing at UVA? ESL?

Амар мэндэ хундэтэ нухэдууд!
Би тандаа Калифорниин Беркли хотоhоо бэшэнэб. Эндэ ба ондоошье америкын газар нэгэшье буряад хуун зонтой ушараагуйб. Харин энэ газарай зонууд намайе хяатад, япон али вьетнам хун гэжэ hанадаг байна. Эндэхи хуунууд буряад зон, буряад газар тухай дуулаагуйш байдаг. Намтай танилсаhаан зондо багаар буряад нютаг, Байгал далай тухай хоорожэ угэдэгби. Би турэhэн буряад нютагтаа ехэл дуратайб.
Харин олон Америкын газар Буряадтал адли гое байгаалитай. Ажабайдал эндэ улуу дээрэ байна. Хунууд бэе бэендээ хундэлгэтэйгээр хандадаг. Америкын харгынууд ехэ hайнаар баригдаhан байна. Байгаалияа ехээр гамнадаг, ямаршье газар - ходол арюун сэбэр байдаг юм.

Well, I found that most Buryats that come to this site know English and other languages. What do you define as CHOPPY? My American friend doesn't quite understand what you mean by that.
I hope that this site is seen by many other people so that they can become acquainted with Buryats and Buryat culture. I think we can offer good information especially about simple Buddhism. Now Buddhism has been very commercialized. The Buddha's teaching should be offered free to anyone.
An American Indian named Chief Joseph said these words in 1879:
Let me be a free man;
free to travel; free to stop;
free to work;
free to trade where I choose;
free to follow the religion of my fathers;
free to think and talk and act for myself;
and I will obey every law;
or submit to the penalty.
All men should be given this right, what do you think?

Be Happy in the present moment.

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СообщениеДобавлено: 19.10.04, 00:09 +0000     Ответить с цитатой

Sambaina Rinchenma!

Elur enhe, mende amgalan, zul zhalgate amarshalnam.

You are amazing. Let me express my respect.

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заримдаа ороошо

Зарегистрирован: Oct 15, 2004
Сообщения: 24
СообщениеДобавлено: 19.10.04, 00:39 +0000     Ответить с цитатой

В этом марте в сердце NYC на Таймс сквер за полчаса встретился с тремя бурятами но один торопился и с нами не остался. И нас трое было, ну и засели мы в пивнушке. Пятеро бурятов и один эстонец. Так что впечатление осталось такое что бурятов в Нью-Йорке раз в пять больше чем эстонцев.
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СообщениеДобавлено: 19.10.04, 02:02 +0000     Ответить с цитатой

Нифига себе сколько "наших" в Штатах, wanted Romanoff, USA, WA, Ewerett, there Boeing headquaters. I am looking for...
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Зарегистрирован: Aug 25, 2004
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СообщениеДобавлено: 19.10.04, 14:36 +0000     Re: Sain Baina, buryaduud! Ответить с цитатой

Well, what I meant was it wasn't hard to understand you, but hard to read your text. If you and your friends aren't getting it then nevermind.
p.s. so according to you being an American qualifies one to be completely knowledgable of own language? LOL.
find me a russian that can decently spell, and I'll find you hundreds that can't.

good for you.

p.s. why give up drinking and smoking ? Buddhists aren't Mormons you know.
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заримдаа ороошо

Зарегистрирован: Oct 08, 2004
Сообщения: 20
Откуда: USA
СообщениеДобавлено: 19.10.04, 17:24 +0000     Re: Sain Baina, buryaduud! Ответить с цитатой

Cartier писал(а):
Well, what I meant was it wasn't hard to understand you, but hard to read your text. If you and your friends aren't getting it then nevermind.
p.s. so according to you being an American qualifies one to be completely knowledgable of own language? LOL.
find me a russian that can decently spell, and I'll find you hundreds that can't.

good for you.

p.s. why give up drinking and smoking ? Buddhists aren't Mormons you know.

Nothing needs saying more about the language issue. We are roughly communicating for the moment and that will do.
About drinking and smoking. I am not a Mormon and what they do is not my business.
But, I am trying to follow what the Buddha taught. One thing is that it is good to be mindful at all times. If you are not mindful how can you control your thoughts, your speech or your actions?
It has been my experience in the past that when alcohol was in my body, I wasn't mindful. I did stupid things.
Smoking is simply addictive and an insult to the physical body. I have seen too many people that are clearly addicted to this true drug and suffer in many ways as a result.
I am not interested in starting a debate with you about these topics. I want only to control myself about such matters and if asked will share my thoughts.
It is important that we do not label people when we really do not know all the facts.

Truthfully and kindly,

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Зарегистрирован: Sep 02, 2004
Сообщения: 13
Откуда: NJ
СообщениеДобавлено: 23.10.04, 22:28 +0000     Ответить с цитатой

Привет, даже не думала, что здесь так много земляков, я живу в Нью-Джерси, в этом году нас приехало 13 человек, из них 5 уехали, я знаю молодого человека с бостона, но на эти выходные он приехал к нам в гости, если что пишите в лмчку, буду рада связаться. Кстати Докка, может все-таки позвонишь как-нибудь, я твой номер не знаю. 8)
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