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Зарегистрирован: Nov 23, 2004
Сообщения: 620
Откуда: Америкийн Нэгдсэн Улс
СообщениеДобавлено: 30.01.14, 00:54 +0000     Канада поддержит украинцев Ответить с цитатой

Видео здесь: http://ireport.cnn.com/docs/DOC-1078697

TORONTO, CANADA - 27 JANUARY, CNN iReport - Canada will “do the right things” when people who have been prosecuted approach to it for protection, said Chris Alexander, Canada's Minister of Citizenship and Immigration. Our correspondent met with the Minister and talked about the situation in Ukraine

Andrey VASILIEV, journalist: There is a position that any dialog between the regime and the citizens will not work without the pressure from western politics. Do you think Ukraine still has a chance to resolve the situation by its own?

Chris ALEXANDER, Canada's Citizenship and Immigration Minister: The solutions will be found by Ukrainians for their country. We will always respect the suverinete the independent Ukraine. But in cases like that it does matter who speaks out, it does matter what friends say outside, it does matter that we have a coordinated approach with Washington, with Brussels, with other European countries.

The other question is if the Ukrainian neighbour to the East allows Ukrainians to negotiate and to decide these things. We would hate to think that anyone in President Putin’s government in Moscow welcomes violence, welcomes the fact that the Ukrainian regime, that they have supported that strongly, has now fired upon and killed some of its own unarmed protestors.

That would be unwelcomed development if we had that kind of reaction: support for the use of force, support for violence from Moscow. And we would urge our Russian partners to leave this discussion to Ukrainians, to open the door to negotiation and to avoid the escalation of the situation that has already begun.

Andrey VASILIEV: Canada was one of the first countries that called to action and declared a chance of visa restrictions and individual financial sanctions implementations against Ukrainian politicians, responsible for the violations of human rights and freedoms. Mr.Baird has been in Kiev and personally observed the situation in the beginning of December, 2013. That visit did not lead to any additional steps from official Canada and was not supported by new declarations from Canada’s government. Why was that? Did any change of Canadian position have place?

Chris ALEXANDER: Our position absolutely has not changed. We are in favour of democratic future for Ukraine we are in favour of its integration into a larger global economy, which for Ukraine means the larger European economy. We wanted to see negotiations on Association agreement succeed and they have not. And as a result we have been defended the rights of protesters to stay peacefully their view.

And we have counted on those protest remaining peaceful on their rights being respected. As after tonight it has not been respected, as after tonight they have been violent on the significant scale and so Canada will be looking now, at all the options available for us in these new circumstances.

We already have laws that make those people who have committed acts that would be crimes in Canada who have committed atrocities or war crimes inadmissible to this country. They are inadmissible to this country.
We will look at all options available to us to respond appropriately to this events and to ensure that those responsible face concrete tangible consequences.

All Canadians feel the pain and share the pain that Ukrainians are experiencing tonight. It is a dark night for us as it is for all of Ukrainian. When innocent people, innocent protesters lose their lives.

We are deeply concerned about this turn towards violence, we have been supporting the right to peaceful assembling, the right to peaceful protest by those who want better future for Ukraine.

Andrey VASILIEV: The US Senate has approved a resolution that specifies stronger measures against Ukraine and threatened with coming sanctions. Has Canadian Parliament had any consultations or discussions about the case of raising violent conflict in Ukraine?

Chris ALEXANDER: ...for Canada Ukraine is a privilege partner, a country with which we have a special relationship, because of a share history.

We will take a very-very careful account of what has happened on the ground, who is responsible before deciding what the next steps Canada itself will take. In the meantime, all of the options are on table and the consultations taking here are intense and in a wide range.

Andrey VASILIEV: Around 4% of Canadians have Ukrainian background or Ukrainian citizenship. Does Canada have any plans of changing the immigration policies for them or those Ukrainians who would try to apply for a legal status in Canadian provinces due to the political events in Kiev?

Chris ALEXANDER: We are prepared to welcome people as refugees under our very generous and now reformed determination system. Ukraine is always in our thoughts when it comes to immigration issues in Canada.

And yes, we will do the right things when people who have been prosecuted approach us for protection.

Journalist: Andrey Vasiliev
Producer: Olga Mozkova

Взято отсюда: http://ireport.cnn.com/docs/DOC-1078697
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Зарегистрирован: Mar 03, 2011
Сообщения: 561
Откуда: Москва
СообщениеДобавлено: 30.01.14, 12:45 +0000     Re: Канада поддержит украинцев Ответить с цитатой

Доржбатуу писал(а):

TORONTO, CANADA - 27 JANUARY, CNN iReport - Canada will “do the right things” when people who have been prosecuted approach to it for protection, said Chris Alexander, Canada's Minister of Citizenship and Immigration.

Ну у Канады с Украиной давние тесные связи (хотя бы по количеству живущих в Канаде украинцев и потомков украинцев...

В статье (сначала пропустил, сейчас нашёл) указывается вообще удивительный факт - таких людей (с украинским паспортом (!) или родителями-украинцами - в Канаде 4% от населения...

Краткость - сестра таланта. Но мачеха ясности...
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бузарсараа муухай

Зарегистрирован: Feb 23, 2008
Сообщения: 151
СообщениеДобавлено: 30.01.14, 13:56 +0000     Ответить с цитатой

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Зарегистрирован: Oct 23, 2013
Сообщения: 159
Откуда: Бургас
СообщениеДобавлено: 01.02.14, 07:20 +0000     Ответить с цитатой

Борис76 писал(а):
Хороший фотомонтаж , ест ли вы один ето сделали на Фотошоп , поздравляю !Вы молодец !А иначе можно спорит кто кому , чего продал Перво Янукович криминал , даже был в тюрме для етого Второе поишите в интернете с какими обещанием он пришол на власт , потом посмотрите в новосты что сегодня творится и ны поймиоте почему он должен уходит Для то что отрезали ухо Дмитро Булатов лутше помолчат
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Зарегистрирован: Nov 23, 2004
Сообщения: 620
Откуда: Америкийн Нэгдсэн Улс
СообщениеДобавлено: 03.02.14, 14:57 +0000     Ответить с цитатой

Видео CNN iReport: http://ireport.cnn.com/docs/DOC-1080504

Канада заняла жесткую позицию в отношении Правительства и Президента Украины.

TORONTO, CANADA – 3 FEBRUARY, CNN iReport – The head of the diplomatic agency of Canada has taken a clear tough position about the current realities in Kyiv. Foreign Minister John Baird was among the very first politicians who visited Maidan immediately after November 29, when the government used force against peaceful demonstrators. The Ukrainian officials have assured guests that would not allow any violent clashes to happen again, but as we know now, did not keep that promise.

We interviewed Minister Baird in at private club of Conservative Party «Albany Club» in Toronto, Canada. The Minister was punctual and concise as always. Before the interview I asked the Minister to be as short as possible in order to obtain specific and unambiguous position of Canada's foreign ministry in today’s Ukrainian case.

Andrey VASILIEV, journalist: What is the formal Canadian government position about current situation in Ukraine and acts of official Kiev?

John BAIRD, Canada’s Foreign Affairs Minister: I am tremendously concerned about people and violence and the draconian laws which were passed in the resent weeks. Obviously we want to see freedom of expression, freedom of political decent and obviously to see the government work constructively with the opposition leaders

Andrey VASILIEV: Will any Canadian government attitudes be reviewed and changed due to the present complications in Kiev?

John BAIRD: We were watching things on an hour by hour basis. There has been a significant changes in recent days and just accordingly we obviously want to work with European Union, United States, Switzerland to try to affect meaningful change for the better in Kyiv.

Andrey VASILIEV: Is there a difference between what you promised the country's leadership in December, during the time of your visit, and what is happening now?

John BAIRD: We have seen the violence escalate; we have seen the politicalз protest spread to many corners of the country. Things have escalated. We obviously want the government to have a meaningful dialogue with the opposition and to take a different path.

Andrey VASILIEV: If we talk about sanctions, which of them will Canada be ready to apply against Ukrainian officials?

John BAIRD: We do have a capacity to put financial sanctions on individuals who are responsible for antidemocratic trends of violence etc. We obviously work with like-minded friends and allies: European Union, United States, France, Switzerland on that path. Our first priority is to try to get the government to meaningfully engage with the opposition to take a different path.

Andrey VASILIEV: Minister Baird, What about personal sanctions?

John BAIRD: We have not putted sanctions on yet. It would be premature to name. But people would be responsible for violence, people would be responsible for incitement, people would be responsible in our judgment for the crackdown on free and democratic protest.

Andrey VASILIEV: Minister Alexander told us that Canada is prepared to accept refugees from Ukraine within the existing program of immigration and legalization. What other measures can be taken in Canada, if a large number of Ukrainian citizens will turn to you for support and help?

John BAIRD: Obviously Chris Alexander, Immigration minister will work on these issues as he properly should. We appreciate his support and work at putting the visa ban in place against some of those who we believe are responsible for some antidemocratic actions and we will let him take a lead on it.

We have six waves of Ukrainian immigration; all six of them have been instrumental to Canada's success, our growth into a prosperous democracy. Our Immigration minister leads those efforts, we are one of the most open countries in the world, when it comes to immigration and it has been strengths for Canada.

Journalist: Andrey Vasiliev
Producer: Olga Mozkova

Взято отсюда: http://ireport.cnn.com/docs/DOC-1080504
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Зарегистрирован: Aug 29, 2010
Сообщения: 911
Откуда: Москва.
СообщениеДобавлено: 03.02.14, 15:48 +0000     Ответить с цитатой

anti-putin писал(а):
пошумят и разойдутся. имхо.
разве что, правительство сменится позже

Дожали все-таки, но не до конца - глава правительства Николай Азаров ушел в отставку и в настоящее время находится...
:) у себя дома в Австрии. Украинцам низзя в Европу, а сами правители давно уже там обустроили свои быт.

P.S. А вы, anti-puti, как в воду смотрели, но только в вопросе отставки главы правительства. :)
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Зарегистрирован: Aug 29, 2010
Сообщения: 911
Откуда: Москва.
СообщениеДобавлено: 03.02.14, 16:13 +0000     Ответить с цитатой

ШобоШобогоров писал(а):
Горячие украинские хлопцы, как уже говорят, решили стоять до конца. До этого многие считали, что у Януковича большие шансы на сохранение власти. Кто-то предлагает отказаться от президентского правления и вернуться к парламентской системе управления страной, ибо этот государственный пост дает возможность набивать и набивать карманы одной семье. Один из двух сыновей Януковича за 6 лунных месяцев поправил собственные дела на $300 миллионов. Всем понятно, что только эта должность дает неограниченные возможности и борьба за власть не прекращается, но все происходит под разными лозунгами.

Темна украинская ночь, но
еще темнее дела у молодого украинского врача-стоматолога по фамилии Янукович.

"Новая газета" и журналисты Международного центра по изучению коррупции и оргпреступности исследуют главную причину политического кризиса в Украине - бизнес фантастически разбогатевших родственников и его ближайшего окружения, который довел и восток, и запад страны до точки кипения.

Структуры сына президента Януковича только за два последних года получили от государства 62,5 млрд. гривен (261,6 млрд. рублей).

- http://www.novayagazeta.ru/inquests/62058.html
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бузарсараа муухай

Зарегистрирован: Oct 23, 2013
Сообщения: 159
Откуда: Бургас
СообщениеДобавлено: 18.02.14, 19:02 +0000     Ответить с цитатой

Украинци молодци они победят криминалная морда Януковича повесят Украина била в Европе и навсегда. останется в Европв !Толко Европа может обезпечит для Украина мир законност и просперитет Свобода и демокрация
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Зарегистрирован: Nov 23, 2004
Сообщения: 620
Откуда: Америкийн Нэгдсэн Улс
СообщениеДобавлено: 19.02.14, 12:16 +0000     Ответить с цитатой

Видео CNN iReport: http://ireport.cnn.com/docs/DOC-1087741

Situation in Kiev has deteriorated: more than 25 people were killed

KIEV, UKRAINE - FEBRUARY 19, CNN iReport - The situation in Kiev since the morning of September 18 has deteriorated. Several tens of thousands of Maidan activists were on their way to the parliament when they were attacked by the police.

These clips depict one of the fiercest clashes that has occurred on Shovkovychnia Street, a few blocks from the Verkhovna Rada.

Several people in police uniforms are throwing grenades at protesters from rooftops. When the grenades fall directly into the crowd, they explode, causing bodily injuries and burns. Also, police are firing rubber bullets at the people.

In retaliation, activists are throwing Molotov cocktails as well as rocks at police.

As a result of these violent clashes, there are many casualties on the side of the demonstrators. Currently there is evidence of 25 people dead. Various sources report that there have been 30-40 bodies found at the scene of clashes.

About 1000 people have been injured. Among the victims are about forty journalists. Journalist of the newspaper "Vesti" Vyacheslav Veremei was killed.

The city center is completely paralyzed. The metro has completely stopped; all highway exits and entrances to Kiev are blocked by police and Interior Ministry troops.

Mobile communication is malfunctioning. Opposition Channel 5 Broadcasting has been taken off air, and numerous attacks are being carried out on Online Resources.

Media reported that police have stormed the Maidan where for the last three months peaceful protest against the actions of the Ukrainian government has been in action.

Journalist: Andrey Vasiliev
Producers: Olga Mozkova, Luba Bilash
Video by Nikita Mekenzin ("Hromadske TV")

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бузарсараа муухай

Зарегистрирован: Oct 23, 2013
Сообщения: 159
Откуда: Бургас
СообщениеДобавлено: 19.02.14, 14:26 +0000     Ответить с цитатой

Доржбатуу писал(а):
Видео CNN iReport: http://ireport.cnn.com/docs/DOC-1087741

Situation in Kiev has deteriorated: more than 25 people were killed

KIEV, UKRAINE - FEBRUARY 19, CNN iReport - The situation in Kiev since the morning of September 18 has deteriorated. Several tens of thousands of Maidan activists were on their way to the parliament when they were attacked by the police.

These clips depict one of the fiercest clashes that has occurred on Shovkovychnia Street, a few blocks from the Verkhovna Rada.Да междо Украина и Канада много обшто ест например в оба государства. палми не растут

Several people in police uniforms are throwing grenades at protesters from rooftops. When the grenades fall directly into the crowd, they explode, causing bodily injuries and burns. Also, police are firing rubber bullets at the people.

In retaliation, activists are throwing Molotov cocktails as well as rocks at police.

As a result of these violent clashes, there are many casualties on the side of the demonstrators. Currently there is evidence of 25 people dead. Various sources report that there have been 30-40 bodies found at the scene of clashes.

About 1000 people have been injured. Among the victims are about forty journalists. Journalist of the newspaper "Vesti" Vyacheslav Veremei was killed.

The city center is completely paralyzed. The metro has completely stopped; all highway exits and entrances to Kiev are blocked by police and Interior Ministry troops.

Mobile communication is malfunctioning. Opposition Channel 5 Broadcasting has been taken off air, and numerous attacks are being carried out on Online Resources.

Media reported that police have stormed the Maidan where for the last three months peaceful protest against the actions of the Ukrainian government has been in action.

Journalist: Andrey Vasiliev
Producers: Olga Mozkova, Luba Bilash
Video by Nikita Mekenzin ("Hromadske TV")

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Зарегистрирован: Aug 29, 2010
Сообщения: 911
Откуда: Москва.
СообщениеДобавлено: 19.02.14, 14:29 +0000     Ответить с цитатой

Доржбатуу писал(а):
Видео CNN iReport: http://ireport.cnn.com/docs/DOC-1087741

Ситуация в Киеве ухудшилась: более 25 человек погибших.

Журналист: Andrey Vasiliev

Ситуация в Киеве окончательно выходит из-под контроля.

Николай Сванидзе сегодня:
- Янукович не жилец, в политическом смысле слова.
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бузарсараа муухай

Зарегистрирован: Oct 23, 2013
Сообщения: 159
Откуда: Бургас
СообщениеДобавлено: 20.02.14, 05:54 +0000     Ответить с цитатой

Я думаю что каждий чоловек живиот в какок то филм У некоторий етот филм военной у другие он романтичний а у Януковича филм криминалний Точнее филм у его для тюрме Он считает Украина для тюрма а он там авторитет между заключоних Всем он кажется чут неадекватной но но ему действия в полности логичние ест ли предположим что Украина ето тюрма Он работает для то что би сделает от Украина тюрма Так ему будет лехче управляти
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бузарсараа муухай

Зарегистрирован: Aug 30, 2013
Сообщения: 1032
СообщениеДобавлено: 20.02.14, 15:18 +0000     Ответить с цитатой

vietham писал(а):
У гопника Вити уже нет шага назад. Под подстрекательство и подзуживание российской власти он, спасая свою шкуру, сделал ставку на силу. Украина - не Россия. Болтаться Вите на столбе.

моя родина там где свобода(с)
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бузарсараа муухай

Зарегистрирован: Oct 23, 2013
Сообщения: 159
Откуда: Бургас
СообщениеДобавлено: 21.02.14, 18:29 +0000     Ответить с цитатой

Вот сейчас стало очен очен интересно Дело в то что для Россия не соштествует такой вариант в которий она теряет Украина Россия просто не может ето себе позволит Но Россия слабее чем Европа и никак не может задержат Украина А ви ест ли считаете что Украина далеко и до вас ето не касниотся очен силно ошибаетес
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Зарегистрирован: Sep 18, 2010
Сообщения: 1713
Откуда: Москва.
СообщениеДобавлено: 22.02.14, 10:12 +0000     Ответить с цитатой

Ситуация в Украине меняется стремительно.
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